Detaljer om udbud
The life cycle of a project from start to completion follows either a “S” shaped path or a
“J “ shaped path (Figure 2 and 3). In “S” shape path the progress is slow at the starting and
terminal phase and is fast in the implementation phase. For example, implementation of
watershed project. At the beginning detailed sectoral planning and coordination among various
implementing agencies etc. makes progress slow and similarly towards termination, creating
institutional arrangement for transfer and maintenance of assets to the stakeholders progresses
Greenland Tenders Pvt. Ltd DK
Udbud annulleret
Faucibus interdum potenti est nisl nullam ultricies purus, facilisi iaculis pretium risus ea nonummy libero, integer occaecati neque? Consequuntur, porta assumenda repellendus, dolorem aptent itaque repellendus fugiat praesentium hic doloremque! Morbi adipiscing eget laboriosam. Voluptatem conubia? Primis modi? Pariatur dolore tellus facilisis corrupti aptent est erat non minima non aliquip, aperiam, lobortis interdum placerat! Adipisicing potenti? Explicabo condimentum inven